Art x History

ArtxHistory is an education resource of commonly available images, videos, mini-lectures and scholarship of the decades which influenced or defined the mid-century through contemporary art. Most links are concise in content, of prevalent works of art in the early or mature stage of an artist's career, sourced from museum, academic, journalistic and for-profit institutions. ArtxHistory is offered as an alternative to a textbook, relieving users of cost, as quality content online develops. The core intent of ArtxHistory is to offer an art history that replaces the dominant white, male, heteronormative, advantaged, celebrity narratives for a more inclusive history balanced with the work of women, artists of color, LGBTQIA+ persons, intersectional makers, and the self-taught. Reflected by the diaspora, America, and particularly New York based practices, are an overriding locus of investigation. While pointing toward a decolonized art history, ArtxHistory is not comprehensive nor free of biases. Artists and scholars are welcome to use and facilitate in the development of ArtxHistory for a more open, equitable, engaged classroom. This project is an act of love for the artists' who pose the necessary questions of our time, and for our students who deserve to see all of those questions. 

How to Use ArtxHistory

Artist images preface each grouping of artworks. Their image links to their biography. You might need to search for the biography a bit. 

Ann Hamilton | American b. 1956 

Image squares are linked to writing/video scholarship that describes the object, movement and/or the context in which it was created. 

Sally Mann, Sally Mann's Exposure, New York Times, April 16, 2016

Video archives of artist's work and  mini-lectures by historians, curators, conservators, and artists are viewable inside of ArtxHistory or through a redirect to a home player site.

Image carousels rotate artworks as a supplemental gallery. There is no clickable link related to these.

Michel Basquiat

Maps are used to locate towns or sites relevant to an artist, historic event, or creative mileau.

Drawn largely from The Tate's glossary, definitions of key movements and concepts are beneath each heading.

Land Art, Environmental Art

Art Terms
Environmental Art
Land Art

A Table of Contents at the top of each page allows users to jump to specific areas within each decade. 

News 8.21


 banner photo:  Kara Walker, A Subtlety, 2014